HMH Tube Fly Blanks - Cut to Length - Clear



HMH Tube Fly Blanks are designed to be cut the your desired length.  Use a lighter to melt the ends for a finished look after the HMH Tube Fly Blank has been cut to the desired length. 

Each package of HMH Tube Fly Blanks includes a quantity of 10 cut-to-length tubes which are each 5-inches long.  Each package also includes clear junction tubing.

Most anglers prefer the Small size (3/32" diameter) for most steelhead and salmon tube flies.  The Large size (1/8" diameter) for most large saltwater patterns.

Also see the following related products:

HMH Micro Tubes -- Good for trout tube flies and very small steelhead flies.

Tube Fly Coneheads -- Available in Black or Brass.