Pontoon Boat & Float Tube Accessories
Use these accessory items to customize your pontoon boat, frameless boat, or float tube. Includes accessories such as pumps, fins, dry bags, valve adapters, oar accessories, rod holders, cam straps, and even a hoist to lift your boat up to the ceiling of your garage.
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These pontoon boat & float tube accessories are particularly useful for fly fishing from popular boats used in fly fishing including pontoon boats, the new style of frameless pontoon boats, and the reliable float tube. Some accessories are pretty much required, like pumps and fins, while others like rod holders and storage bags might just make your day on the water that much more enjoyable.
It’s hard to get started using your inflatable boat without a pump and we have three models that will get you on the water quickly and with minimal “pumping” time.
K-Pumps: The popular K-Pumps are incredibly easy to use and are quite impressive the first time you use one. No need for crazy adapters and hoses. Just push the nozzle of the K Pump against the valve and start pumping. Even at the higher range of air pressure, the K-Pump is quick and easy to operate. It is also very convenient to strap to the side of your pontoon boat and comes with its own storage bag. For the float tube user, the Mini K-Pump is small enough to fit into the storage pockets on most float tubes.
Electric Pump: We carry a very inexpensive but effective electric pump that plugs into a cigarette lighter plug-in. It has a long cord to reach from inside your rig all the way to your pontoon boat or float tube. It doesn’t have the ability to get to the full pressure you’ll need (most electric pumps don’t), but it will cut out 90% of the work in just a few seconds. Then, use your hand pump, like the K-pump or Double Action Hand Pump to top it off with the pressure you need. Think about this product next time you’re pumping up your boat from scratch and the small investment is a no brainer!
Double Action Hand Pump: This do-it-all pump is easy to use, has a long hose, and pumps air as you lift and as you push on the handle. It is small enough to be thrown on the back storage deck of a pontoon boat or frameless pontoon boat. It can be a little tough to use on a rocky shoreline, but besides that they are dependable, quick to use, and provide as much air pressure as you’ll ever need. They come with various adapters so they can also be handy around the house for other inflatable swim toys, air mattresses, etc.
Fins haven’t changed much over the years and we offer three options from Outcast for just about any float tube or pontoon boat need.
Backpack Fins: These fins are super light and compact down to nearly flat. They are the ideal solution for anglers backpacking into a secret fly fishing lake with a float tube. At a very affordable price, even if you already have other fins, these will be worth considering.
Outcast Fins: These standard issue fins from Outcast get the job done. They are designed to be worn over your wading boots or a bootie of some kind. They are very adjustable and we haven’t seen anyone yet that has too large or too small of a foot for them to work.
Power Kick Fins: Another Outcast product, these are a premium fin similar in design to the old Force Fins… but without the enormous price tag. The Power Kick Fins have a more curved, three-dimensional design which increases comfort, the ability to turn the boat, and efficiency of power while kicking. They are also designed to be worn over a wading shoe or a neoprene bootie type shoe. For those with very large feet, the neoprene bootie will probably be necessary with this fin as they don’t fit very large size wading boots like a size 14 or 15.
Another common option in the pontoon boat and float tube accessories category is rod holders for our fly rods. How are we supposed to take 47 different rods out there with us if we don’t have rod holders for them?! Nothing is better than making your boat look like a floating porcupine because of all the rods you’ve decided to take along. To help, we offer fly rod holders from Scotty and Outcast to fit any style of boat. Read the product descriptions carefully with these products. Sometimes figuring out which part connects to which can be difficult with Scotty rod holder products. We’ve tried to make it as clear as possible but call or email if we can assist as we realize it can be challenging.
Other various pontoon boat and float tube accessories for your oars are available to personalize your boat or make repairs. Oar accessories include oar sleeves, oar locks, oar stops, oar rests, and Blade-Rites. Cam straps can be used to replace the straps on your boat which hold the frame to the pontoons, or they are perfect for strapping you boat to your vehicle. Dry bags, float tube backpack straps, pontoon boat side cargo bags, fin keepers float tube anchor, valve adapters, and even a wheel to wheel your pontoon boat down to your favorite lake. Lots of good accessories in here to keep us busy working on our boat during a rainy Saturday when we can’t go fishing!
Adamsbuilt Knott Creek Neoprene Booties
Fishpond Thunderhead Roll Top Dry Bag
Intex Quick-Fill Electric Pump
Mustang Survival M.I.T. 100 Manual Inflatable PFD
Outcast 7ft 2-Piece Oars
Outcast Backpack Fins
Outcast Backpack Straps
Outcast Blade Rests
Outcast BladeRite Oar Stops
Outcast Boat Hoist
Outcast Boston Valve Adapters
Outcast Brass Oar Locks
Outcast Buddy Strap
Outcast Cam Straps Pack
Outcast Double Action Hand Pump
Outcast Double Action Hand Pump - Replacement Hose
Outcast Fins
Outcast Fish Cat LCS Apron
Outcast Fish Cat Rod Holder
Outcast Float Tube Anchor
Outcast Frameless Cargo Pocket
Outcast Frameless OSG LCS Apron
Outcast Kicker Keepers
Outcast Oar Sleeve
Outcast Oar Stops
Outcast Oar Tethers - Small
Outcast OSG Expandable Boat Bag