PFF Custom Flies
PFF Custom Flies you'll only find at Pacific Fly Fishers. PFF staff-designed flies that we have custom tied just for us. They have all caught a ton of fish, from sea-run cutthroat to steelhead and we hope they work for you too.
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Baitfish Minnow - Silver
Bennett's Halo
Bennett's Last Light
Bennett's Steelhead Exasperator - Black/Blue
Bennett's Steelhead Exasperator - Black/Purple
Bennett's Steelhead Exasperator - Purple
Bullet Head Streamer - Silver / Olive
Deception - Chartreuse
Deception - Olive
Deception - Orange
Dirty Hoh - Black/Blue
Dirty Hoh - Black/Pink
Dirty Hoh - Pink/Orange
Exasperator Sculpin - Natural
Exasperator Sculpin - Olive
Humpy Bug
Mini E - Black/Blue
Mini E - Black/Purple
Pass Lake Minnow
Skinny Herring
Skinny Smolt
The Llama - Black/Blue
The Llama - Black/Purple