Fly Tying Chenille & Yarn
Fly tying chenille, yarns, and similar products. Including popular products like Cactus Chenille, Estaz, Polar Chenille, Mohair Leech Yarn, Sparkle Yarn, Antron Yarn, Pearl Core Braid, Mcflylon and variegated chenille. Even yarn specifically for chironomid gills! The right product can make all the difference in your flies. Give us a call or email if we can help you find the right fly tying materials for your next fly masterpiece.
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Chenille and yarns are a vital part of fly tying for all types of fly patterns. Today, there are hundreds of chenille and yarn varieties on the fly tying market in a wide variety of colors. New varieties of fly tying chenille are available every year it seems. At Pacfic Fly Fishers, we’ve tried to cover all the bases as best we can. Here is a rundown of the different fly tying chenille and yarn products we offer.
Chenille (Standard) – Chenille has been around since the 1800’s and was probably incorporated into fly tying shortly after. Chenille is still very commonly used and has transformed into a tremendous number of varieties. Good ol’ standard chenille is still what is most commonly used on Woolly Buggers, many stonefly nymphs, and countless classic steelhead flies. When tying flies with chenille, keep in mind the size of chenille which best suits the size and application of the fly you are tying. For example, if you are tying Wooly Buggers or something similar, the “Fine” size of chenille is probably best for size 12 and smaller flies. Size “Medium” is great for size 10 and up to size 6, depending on the thickness of the body you desire on your Bugger. Size “Large” chenille is generally best for size 4 and larger Wooly Buggers. Think of the size of the chenille as its thickness or width of the product. A “Fine” size chenille will create a much thinner body on the fly than a size “Large” chenille.
Ultra Chenille or Vernille – Ultra Chenille (or also referred to as Vernille) is a smaller diameter, very dense form of chenille. Probably it’s most common use in fly tying is for the San Juan Worm, which consists of nearly nothing but Ultra Chenille to form this worm-imitating fly pattern. The ends of Ultra Chenille can be easily tapered by burning the tip with a lighter. Ultra Chenille is also commonly used in dry flies, nymphs, and even saltwater fly patterns like the Squimp or Bonefish Worm. Ultra Chenille is available in Standard or Micro sizes. The Micro size is commonly seen when tying flies like small midge, micro worms or bloodworms, and also wrapped on the body for small nymphs. It is also a great product for woven bodies.
Fluorescent Nylon Chenille – Fluorescent Nylon Chenille is nearly the same product as standard chenille except a different synthetic is used to produce very bright, vivid colors. Probably every fly angler has flies that use Fl. Nylon Chenille in some form of the Egg Sucking Leech. The bright, fluorescent chenille make a great “egg” at the head of the fly. It is also used any time super bright colors are needed, such as numerous steelhead and salmon flies, and also trout flies and saltwater patterns.
Variegated Chenille – Another form of standard chenille, but with variegated colors that form a barred or grizzly appearance. The super popular Pat’s Rubber Legs stonefly nymphs often use Variegated Chenille as the body. Variegated Chenille also makes very cool Wooly Buggers and similar style flies. Specked Chenille is also like Variegated Chenille, but now add a touch of opalescent flash into the chenille.
Cactus Chenille, Estaz, ICE Chenille, and Tinsel Chenille – Instead of nylon or rayon used to make the chenille, what if we used a flashy, wider fiber material? Well, then we’d have the popular Cactus Chenille, Estaz, ICE Chenille or Tinsel Chenille. These products are generally wider than standard chenille (perhaps ¼-inch wide, except for some smaller, “Micro” sizes and larger, “Grande” sizes offered) and have much more flash and translucence to their appearance. A good example of this type of product in use is the Coho Kryptonite. Cactus Chenille, Estaz, and ICE Chenille are very common on fly patterns these days and easily cover the spectrum of fly patterns styles out there, including trout streamers, steelhead and salmon flies, saltwater flies, bass, and just about everything else.
Polar Chenille – Polar Chenille could be compared to Cactus Chenille but with long, shaggy fibers. A good example of Polar Chenille in use would be the pink body on the Chrome Magnet. Polar Chenille’s long fibers are sparingly applied to the core so the tier can control the density of the fibers by how many wraps are used on the fly. This makes Polar Chenille a viable option for palmering a body to create a colorful, flashy hackle of sorts. Polar Chenille is very popular on steelhead and salmon flies.
Yarns – Yarn products also come in numerous varieties and are usually used to form either a body or a tail on a fly. Wool Yarn has been around for centuries and is common on classic flies. Sparkle Yarn and Antron Yarn use synthetic materials and, therefore, have much more sheen or shininess to the fibers. Sparkle Yarn and Antron Yarn are common on many trout flies and especially for caddis pupa bodies or trailing shucks on caddis dries or mayfly duns (like the Sparkle Dun). Polypro Floating Yarn is a puffy yarn that is ideal for dry fly wings or wing posts on parachute style dry flies. It is also great for making strike indicators and is our choice for the perfect yarn to use when practicing your fly casting. Uni-Yarn is a very small diameter yarn that is ideal for classic Spey flies. Uni-Yarn comes on a spool so it is easy to use with a bobbin for fast, great looking yarn bodies.
Chironomid Gill Yarn – Fishing chironomid pupa patterns in lakes is very productive where we live and fish in the Northwest and lower British Columbia. Our Chironomid Gill Yarn is used to make the puffy, white gills on chironomid patterns. It offers the perfect amount of softness for realistic but durable chironomid gills.
McFlyfoam – McFlyfoam is a very dense, spongy yarn that is perfect for imitating eggs. Use it for a simple Glo Bug style egg pattern or use it for great looking Egg Sucking Leech flies.
Mohair Leech Yarn – If you want to tie a fast, simple leech pattern that simply whacks fish, us a 3X Long streamer hook, add a tail of sparse marabou, then add a body of nothing but Mohair Leech Yarn. Tease the Mohair fibers back as you wrap the body and you have a deadly leech pattern for lakes or rivers. Use two strands of Mohair Leech Yarn with two different colors and wrap them on the body at the same time for a mottled look.
Cactus Chenille
Chironomid Gill Yarn
Egg Veil
Estaz Grande
Estaz UV Lights
Fluorescent Nylon Chenille
FNF Daphnia Fritz
FNF Jelly Fritz 15mm
Ice Chenille
Leech Leather Strips
McFlyfoam Clown Package
Midge Cactus Chenille
Mohair Leech Yarn
Otter's Soft Egg Material
Palmer Chenille
Para Post Wing
Pearl Chenille - Medium
Pearl Chenille - Small
Pearl Core Braid
Polar Chenille
Polar Chenille UV
Polypro Floating Yarn
Sparkle Braid
Sparkle Yarn
Speckled Chenille