Fly Tying Tubes & Shanks
Fly tying products specifically for tying on tubes, shanks and trailing stinger hook style flies. Includes Waddington shanks, Senyo shanks, HMH and Pro Sportfisher tubes, tube fly adapter tools, tube fly and other hooks, cones and weights for tubes, etc.
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- 30 lb. Berkley Fire Line
- Alec Jackson Tube Fly Hooks
- Aqua Flies AquaTalon Swing Hooks
- Aqua Flies Return Eye Shanks
- Aqua Flies Round Eye Shanks
- Aqua Flies Ultra Rig Kit - Return Eye Shanks - Size 2 Hooks
- Aqua Flies Ultra Rig Kit - Round Eye Shanks - Size 2 Hooks
- Aqua Flies Ultra Tubing
- Aqua Flies Waddington Shanks
- Balanced Leech Pins
- Gamakatsu Octopus Hook
- Gamakatsu SC15 Hooks
- Gamakatsu SL12S Hooks
- HMH - Micro Tubing
- HMH Hook Holder Tubing
- HMH Tube Fly Blanks - Cut to Length - Clear
- HMH Tube Tying Tool
- Owner SSW CP - Straight Eye
- Owner SSW CP - Up Eye
- Partridge Waddington Shanks
- Pro Conediscs SALE
- Pro Cones
- Pro Dropweights SALE
- Pro Flexibeads
- Pro Flexineedle - Large
- Pro Flexitubes
- Pro Flexiweight SALE
- Pro Hookguides SALE