Private Casting Instruction
Shorten the learning curve for new fly casters or fix that bad habit that has been tough to break. One-on-one casting instruction can make a dramatic difference in one's casting ability in just an hour or two. Learn how to tighten your casting loops for greater distance and control, eliminate wind knots, leverage the double haul, or learn various presentation casts.
Our private casting instruction is done on the pond behind our store. Call, email, or come by the store to schedule a lesson. We generally recommend just one hour of instruction to start. Additional sessions can be scheduled after practicing what you learned in your first lesson.
Spey casting private lessons are not currently offered. For Spey instruction, please see our group classes or ask us about our recommended guides who offer one-on-one Spey instruction.
Rate: $125 per hour for one or two participants. For a third participant or more, add $50 per hour per participant.
Contact Us to schedule dates and times for your private casting lessons. Group rates for six or more participants also available.