Hardy Cascapedia Reels


All fly fishing reels should have some backing. Backing goes on the reel before the fly line. We'll put backing on this reel for free when you make your purchase!
Free Backing?
Choose which hand is on the reel handle when you're reeling. This is only a preference. Today, most right-handed casters prefer to reel with their left hand. If you change your mind, this is easy to change yourself later.
No right or wrong answer on backing color. Just choose what you think will look cool on your new reel.

The Hardy Cascapedia Salmon 10/11 is a stunning Spey reel. Made in Alnwick England. The Cascapedia features a very aesthetically pleasing S handle, an incoming and outgoing classic click check ratchet to produce that iconic Cascapedia sound, an incredibly smooth disc drag, a wide spool, and a small arbor for a ton of backing capacity. If you want, you can turn the outgoing clicker off with the switch above the drag knob.

There's a lot of things to love about the Cascapedia... It has that classic Spey reel look to it, but features a really good drag. When it comes to big Spey reels that can hold a lot of line, and have the stopping power for big salmon, and hot steelhead, the Cascapedia is it! The Hardy Cascapedia comes in a very nice soft leather sheepskin lined reel pouch. Recommended for Spey rods 13 feet and longer. 
  • Made in UK
  • Full barstock construction
  • S -Shaped Handle
  • Classic Click check ratchet sound

  • Cascapedia Salmon 10/11

    Spool Width
    14 oz.
    Line Size
    7-10 wt spey 
    30 lb. Backing
    *250-300 yds.

*Backing capacity will vary based on different styles of lines.