Promo: RIO Elite GT

Pacific Fly Fishers


RIO’s Elite GT fly line was designed to meet the requirements of hardcore Giant Trevally anglers, and the heat these aggressive critters bring. The head of this line is short, aggressive, and powerful. It'll turn over a big wind resistant fly easily with minimal false casting, whether it's a short cast or an 80 foot hero cast. This line loads fast action saltwater rods quickly and delivers deadly accurate shots, which could be all it takes to get your fly in front of the GT of your dreams! The RIO Elite GT fly line is built on RIO's low stretch DirectCore for solid hooksets, and the core strength on these lines is 60 pounds! So don't be afraid to lock down the drag when that Mack truck you just hooked is screaming off the flats! 

  • Short, heavy head to load powerful saltwater rods
  • Short, aggressive front taper to cast large flies with ease
  • Low stretch DirectCore for hard, solid strip sets
  • Built with RIO's exceptionally slick, durable SlickCast coating
  • SureFire tricolored measuring system for increased accuracy and distance control

Line Size
10 wt
11 wt
12 wt
Full Head Wt Head
Blue/Orange/Sea Grass 425gr 36ft Float 100ft
Blue/Orange/Sea Grass 465gr 36ft Float 100ft
Blue/Orange/Sea Grass 510gr 36ft Float 100ft