Arizona Simi-Seal Dubbing
John Rohmer
Arizona Simi-Seal Dubbing is a very popular dubbing that has just the right amount of length, body and flash. We love Arizona Simi-Seal Dubbing for leech patterns and for steelhead/salmon flies. AZ Simi-Seal is also excellent on larger nymphs when you want a longer, coarse fiber and some flash.
Arizona Simi-Seal is a coarse mix of natural and synthetic materials that are blended together for extra flash and body. It is also a good "more flashy" seal substitute. The color blends are amazing whether you're tying leeches or stonefly nymphs.
To make a simple but highly effective leech fly for your favorite lakes, just add a pinch of Simi-Seal for a tail, then create a body of Simi-Seal in a dubbing loop. Twist the dubbing loop and wrap the body. Pick-out or brush-out the dubbing fibers and the fly is finished. Very fast and very effective!