Fly Tying Hooks
Fly tying hooks from Daiichi, Gamakatsu, Hanak, Alec Jackson, Owner, Aqua Flies, Ahrex, Fulling Mill and Umpqua Tiemco. Includes salmon and steelhead hooks, chironomid hooks, trailing and stinger hooks, saltwater and lots of trout dry, nymph, streamer, and specialty hooks. Also includes Partridge Waddington shanks, Aqua Flies shanks and Pro Sportfisher tubes and accessories.
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The fly tying hook must be the most important fly tying "material" of them all. Fly tying hooks come in a tremendous array of sizes and styles. We carry fly tying hooks from Daiichi, Gamakatsu, Alec Jackson, Aqua, Owner, Ahrex, Hanak, and even a few from Mustad. Freshwater and Saltwater hooks matter and can make the difference on how effective your fly tying masterpiece really is when it's time for the fur and feathers to hit the water. Hopefully, the following information will help you choose the correct fly tying hook for the flies you have on the tying list.
Dry Fly Hooks: Dry fly hooks are typically offered with a down eye or straight eye. Dry fly hooks are usually light wire which help the fly pattern to sit on top of the water. The Daiichi 1100 dry fly hook is a great hook for Adams, Elk Hair Caddis, and many other classic dry fly patterns. If you refer a straight eye, check out the Daiichi 1110. A cool hook from Gamakatsu is the R10-B, with its longer hook point and hooking angle.
Scud/Curved Hooks: Scuds, chironomids and pupa are often tied on a curved hook. Two of the most popular hooks for these style flies are the Daiichi 1130 & 1120. The main difference between the two hooks is the gauge of wire. Choose the 1130 for light wire and 1120 for heavy wire. There are other curved fly fishing hooks such as the Daiichi 1150, a popular hook choice for San Juan Worms and the Daiichi 1160, the standard hook for Klinkhamer and many emerger style patterns.
Nymph Hooks: Fly tying is stylistic creativity and the tier has so many options. The hook choice is just the beginning of each fly! When it comes to fly tying hooks for tying trout nymphs, the Daiichi 1710 is a common choice for fly patterns like the Prince Nymph. For Pheasant Tails and Hares Ears, choose the Daiichi 1560 as a great choice. As the popularity of Euro Jigs and Euro Nymph techniques grows, so does the fly tying portion. Hanak Hooks has you covered and may be the best 60-degree jig hook on the market. We stock the 400BL, 450BL and 470BL Euro-style jig hooks from Hanak with all the matching slotted tungsten beads as well.
Streamer Hooks: Big meat flies, sculpins, baitfish, and leech patterns all require a strong streamer fly hook. A popular big streamer hook is the Gamakatsu B10-S, with its extra wide gap you can stack a ton of materials on this hook and not worry about loosing room. The go to trout lake fly hook will be the Daiichi 1710, perfect for leeches and baitfish patterns. Also peek at the Daiichi 2220 for big trout streamers.
Saltwater Fly Hooks: Nothing requires more strength than a saltwater hook. But there are saltwater fly hooks for all sorts of salty fish. For tarpon we like the Gamakatsu SL12S and the Owner AKI hooks. Bonefish and permit flies are usually tied on the Daiichi 2546 hooks, as are many saltwater salmon patterns. Check out the light wire Gamakatsu SC15 hooks or Ahrex NS122 hooks for smaller salty critters.
Can’t find the right hook? Contact us and we will point you in the right direction.